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Cosplay Stitch And Seam

Aug 26, 2021

Have you ever walked into a store with your mind on coaplay? Suddenly everthing there can be used as a material for creating the perfect prop or add the best detail to your armor. Let your mind expand and see what you can use in your next project with there non traditional materials!

Have your cosplay happy or horror...

Aug 19, 2021

Cosplay is for everyone! But its not often that generic patterns or clothing at the store fit for every body type. Each body is unique and beautiful and here is some advice on patterning for plus size!

Also check out this link for more information on upsizing...

Aug 12, 2021

How are your amazing projects coming along? Monthly check in time!!

New community project! Lets show some photogrepher love! Send us your fav photographs with photographer credit by the end of September for a fun video feature! Email us at

Aug 6, 2021

Our material of choice is beads this week. How can one incorporate beading in cosplay? Share your beading projects with us!

Send us your stories or topic suggestions to