Mar 25, 2021
Our hosts talk about personal projects and hang out. Share your projects with @cosplaystitch on social media!
Mar 19, 2021
This week we talk with Foxx Beauty Cosmetics and make up creation! Foxx creates their own make up brand inspired by cosplay!
Check out and use the special forever code for 10% off: stitchandseam
Mar 10, 2021
Evil Ted joins us to talk about Cosplay, foam crafting, and so much more! Ted expertly answers questions from listeners and offers some really great advice to cosplayers, old and new.
Join in the fun by submitting your own cosplay horror or happy stories to us at CosplayStitchAndSeam [at]
Mar 3, 2021
Heat Tools are helpful to cosplay creation and here is a list of some really good ones and best uses for each one!
Mar 1, 2021
How do our friends escape this awkward and dangerous situation? Find out in today's episode! Deep in the Mended Chain territory, our heroes are faced with a daring dilemma!