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Cosplay Stitch And Seam

Apr 30, 2021

How are you doing this fine month? Here's what our team has been up to!

Apr 22, 2021

How much work goes into a 3D printed prop for cosplay? Mstalkid and William Priest Cosplay reveal their printing tricks and techniques! 

Apr 15, 2021

David gives us a sneak peek to his next podcast venture while also showing behind the scenes of his favorite passion, podcasting! Check out "The Last Voice" this week!

Send us your cosplay stories at

Listen to "The Last Voice" at these links:

Apr 11, 2021

New plans, new goals, and new skills for heroes!

Apr 10, 2021

How do your dreams and cosplay overlap? Today we join Kame and talk about cosplay l, dreaming, and our subconscious anxieties.