Dec 21, 2018
What gift should you get your cosplay buddy? What are activities you can do to hang out? Happy Holidays from the Stitch and Seam Team!
Share your stories with us at and your story will be shared in upcoming episodes.
Check out the blog for lots of bonus and fun content for this episode at
Dec 17, 2018
Let's take a moment and talk serious biz with bullying in the cosplay community. Our community should be a place of acceptance and understanding. Let's make it the best it can be!
Share your cosplay horror stories:
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Dec 7, 2018
Where do you keep your cosplays when not wearing them at conventions? How do you decide when to retire them? Shout out to Darren for the topic request and to the facebook group for adding their input!
We have a Ko-fi page:
Say hello at and share some cosplay horror...
Nov 30, 2018
While it is not outright debated one can often hear muttering and grumbling about how Armor or Fabric cosplays are better than the other. Which one is better? Is it really a debate? Find out in this episode!
Like what you hear? Want to help support us? Donate to our Ko-fi or join the Facebook group! Spread the word and...
Nov 18, 2018
What is the Green room? This is where cosplay contestants hang out before going on stage and performing! This fun episode goes behind the scenes and interviews cosplayers both before and after they go on stage. This is the last of our Anime Banzai episodes.
See pics of the cosplayers at